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Falling in Love

Open To Basic Graduates

Discover what makes you Fall in Love

Are you tired of falling in love with the wrong person? Are you aware of how you choose a partner? Are you in a relationship and would love to fall back in love?

Falling In Love is a workshop designed to understand how you created your romantic self. Who you fall in love with, and why. The problems in compatibility between your authentic self, and what you believe you want from a partner.

You will also take a dive into the specific language in which you love, and how to evoke the love you need in return. Learn the secrets behind falling in love and human attraction. So that you can choose love, instead of chasing the next infatuation.

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Tuition $199

In-Person 1-day Workshop Schedule:
(Times are based on PST)

May 3, 2025


  • Registration Starts: 9:00 AM
  • Training Starts: 10:00 AM
  • Ends Approximately: 7:00 PM