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Parenting Training – Virtual

Open to the Public

The parenting manual that should come with every child

Our Parenting training is a 3 Evening transformational training in which parents, guardians, parents-to-be, and single parents will participate.

This is about looking at ourselves in family dynamics. It is an experiential training creating insights and breakthroughs of how we participate with our loved ones and discovering new possibilities for ourselves, our loved ones, and our families. This is about learning new tools of inspiration and motivation to create a successful and happy family.

Being the head of the family is a huge responsibility. In life there is no parenting manual. Here you will find the support you need to begin to create your own.

It is a training not-to-be missed.

There are no prerequisites for joining this course.

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Tuition: $295

Schedule: 3 Consecutive Thursday Sessions

April 03, 10, 17, 2025

First Thursday

  • Registration 6:00 pm
  • Training starts 7:00 pm
  • Ends approximately 10:00 pm

Second and Last Thursday

  • Training starts 7:00 pm
  • Ends approximately 10:00 pm