Adding Layers to a Successful Life.

Bruce Languren

Success can usually be tangibly defined through accomplishments but is that always the case?


There are many “successful” people that are entrepreneurs, manage large corporations, and even attorneys that focus solely on the results they create.  Most of these people will gauge their success based on their professional accolades rather than their relationships.


The idea of success is multi-faceted and it can mean different things to different people. It is not just limited to financial achievements, but also encompasses personal growth, relationships, happiness, and fulfillment. Success is a subjective term and can be influenced by an individual’s values, beliefs, and goals. Therefore, it is important to define success for oneself and strive towards achieving a well-rounded and holistic version of it.


Hearing from our graduate base that fall into these categories of occupation, they will tell you that opening their heart has been an absolute game changer in their professional lives.  Many think they can get by with skill, knowledge, and intelligence rather than focusing their energy on building authentic relationships.  It’s not about power, it’s about people.  That’s where emotional intelligence comes into play.

Emotional intelligence is essentially awareness in relationships including the relationship with self; however, it isn’t necessarily taught in a corporate setting.  With that being said it is ironically one of the most powerful skillsets to master when it comes to working as a team.  Adding depth to human connection is what makes a person want to be open to working with a group of individuals in the first place!


Relationships play an important role in success because they provide opportunities for growth and learning. Interpersonal interactions allow individuals to practice communication, empathy, and conflict resolution skills, which are essential for personal and professional success. Relationships can also serve as a source of emotional support, providing a sense of belonging and connection to others. In addition, feedback from others can help individuals identify areas for improvement and gain self-awareness. Overall, positive and healthy relationships can enhance one’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being, making them a crucial component of self-development.


The quality of your relationships will provide the foundation for creating success in any area of life that you value most.  Despite your current circumstances, there is always a next level available in your growth and development.

In learning about the art of relationship building, check out our Relationships Workshop that is available to Advanced Course Graduates!

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