The Mindset of Business Mastery

Roger Morgan

“We are all students in this life and there is always something more to learn.”

 – Mike Norton


Whether you are a long time entrepreneur or if you are just now getting into the game, try on this perspective.

Think of having a business as creating something that wasn’t going to happen anyway.

The entrepreneurial spirit blazes a journey of growth while also tapping into the energy and creativity to strive towards new levels of excellence.

Though every new level of success requires new ideas, strategies, and technologies; these will only get you so far.

While a growth mindset is an obvious key to success, what happens without it?



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We asked MITT Graduates how the trainings impacted their businesses.  Here’s what they had to say.


Avoid Losing your Passion


If you stop growing and learning you will eventually fall into what we call “automatic”.

You start to experience the same thing everyday until you unknowingly become accustomed to comfort and stagnation.

Being in this automatic state leads you to becoming stale in your business.

As a result, your passion for life slowly fades and your effectiveness as a leader goes along with it.

This is why it is so important to prioritize yourself over your business.

In other words, your companies will only grow at the rate you do.





Don’t Linger in the Past


Have you ever relished about “the good ol’ days” with your peers?

Of course you have!

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, doing it often is a sign that you are starting to feel like your glory days are behind you.

Energy is spent on past accomplishments instead of being directed towards what can be created in the future.

Think of your relationship with anyone dear to your heart.

If the highlight of your relationship is something that happened 5 years ago then what does that say about your relationship today?

Be mindful when these thoughts and actions come up so that you can course correct back to an upward trajectory.



Stop Resisting Mother Nature



“If a hundred-foot oak tree had the mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall!”

– T. Harv Eker

Being human is all about growth and development and nature is the strongest piece of evidence for that.

Think of your growth spurt during your teenage years as a reference point; we are built to constantly evolve!

Although thinking like a plant doesn’t sound very appealing, there is something to learn from their “mindset”

They are never phased by self-imposed limitations or changes of the seasons.

Instead, they adapt as nature intended in order to grow to their highest potential!






Yes You Can!


If you haven’t already discovered, business mastery is about looking forward into the future.

Having a clear vision and passion are the cornerstones to keep you growing both personally and professionally.

Although there is value in past experiences, the idea is to avoid lingering on past achievements or setbacks.

You get to create the life you want.

Developing a strong mindset is a huge contribution in that pursuit.

You get to be the author of your life in a way where growth is innately part of your process.

Also understand that growth can be extremely uncomfortable at times.

Here at MITT, we have your back.  We believe in you!

You can create the next chapter in your personal and professional development by attending our next Basic Training.

We look forward to seeing what you create in the world!