How to Overcome Procrastination

Roger Morgan


“Procrastination is like a credit card.  It’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.”

– Christopher Parker


Procrastination can be viewed as the act of delaying tasks and responsibilities.  Oddly enough this is a common occurrence for many people. Regardless of how important something may be, we often find ourselves succumbing to the allure of distractions.

There are many reasons that procrastination is so profound in daily human life.  Some people are adamant about avoiding discomfort while others may simply be victims to instant gratification.

Either way, let’s get down to why you may be procrastinating as well as how to conquer the habit once and for all!



The not so secret origins of procrastination.


  • Fear of Failure

One of the primary drivers of procrastination is the fear of failure. When we perceive a task as challenging, we may avoid it to protect ourselves from the possibility of disappointment or negative judgment. This fear can paralyze us, preventing us from even starting a task in the first place.


  • Lack of Motivation

A lack of motivation is a common fuel for procrastination. Very important tasks can sometimes feel mundane or boring.  This creates the tendency to seek instant gratification from more enjoyable activities such as social media, Netflix, talking to a friend, etc.  We often create a false sense of achievement to validate the incompletion of the original activity.


  • Perfectionism

Striving for perfection can lead to procrastination as we fear that our work will never meet our impossibly high standards. This causes a delay starting the task until the “perfect” conditions or inspiration strike.  Unfortunately, the likelihood of everything being perfected before starting is slim to none.  We call this phenomenon “analysis paralysis”.


  • Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks on our plate can lead to procrastination. When we don’t know where to start or feel like we can’t handle everything, we may choose to avoid tackling anything at all.  This leads to tasks piling up.  Eventually, the stack of tasks appears too daunting to chip away at.


  • Lack of Structure

Procrastination can arise when our days lack structure and planning. Not having daily routines and rituals can create an ineffective “go with the flow” mentality.  Without a clear roadmap for the day, we become susceptible to distractions and time-wasting activities.



Now that you know the common causes of procrastination, let’s talk about strategies to overcome it!


  • Set clear goals

Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable goals. Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. As the famous saying goes, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.  By having a clear plan, you’ll feel more focused and motivated to take action.


  • Create a positive environment

Create a clutter-free and organized workspace that promotes productivity. Eliminate distractions like social media, excessive noise, or unrelated tasks to help maintain focus.  Look into common tactics that are used to enhance focus.  Tactics include setting a phone in another room or lighting a candle for ambiance.


  • Embrace Imperfection

Shift your mindset from perfectionism to progress. Accept that mistakes are part of the learning process and that taking imperfect action is better than doing nothing at all.  Actions compound.  Though it may not be polished and perfect today, every attempt will give you feedback on how you can improve it for next time.


  • Use Time Management Techniques

Explore methods like the Pomodoro Technique. This technique gives you a specific timeframe to complete a task followed by a short break.  Breaking tasks into intervals can make them feel more achievable and reduce any sensations of feeling overwhelmed.  Time management techniques will support you in chipping away at multiple tasks throughout the day.


  • Find Intrinsic Motivation

Discover the value in completing tasks when there is no external reward. Connect each task to your personal values and long-term goals so that every completed task feels like a massive stepping stone towards achieving your vision.


  • Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself when you face challenges or setbacks. Avoid self beat-up and instead focus on learning from mistakes and improving in the future.  Every action will give you a chance to reflect on what did and did not work during the process.  Cut yourself some slack!


  • Utilize Accountability

Share your goals with a friend, family member, or colleague who can hold you accountable for your progress. Having someone to support and encourage you can be instrumental in overcoming procrastination.  Not to mention it can feel more enjoyable knowing that someone is in it with you to some extent.


  • Visualize the End Result

Imagine the satisfaction and relief of completing the task. Visualization can help increase your desire to reach the endpoint and make the process more enjoyable.



Now go Implement!


Procrastination is a widespread challenge.  In understanding its origins and implementing effective strategies, we can overcome this habit and unlock our true potential

Leverage these practices and discover which techniques work best for you.  Remember, the journey to conquer procrastination isn’t necessarily streamlined.  With patience, self-compassion, and determination, the changes you want to experience are within reach.

Take a giant first step today and break free from the grip of procrastination by jumping into our upcoming Basic Training.  We are here to be a loving interruption for any habits you are looking to change!